"Discover the evolution of Black Friday, its roots in financial history, and how it became a global shopping phenomenon. Dive into the fascinating history now!"

"Discover the evolution of Black Friday, its roots in financial history, and how it became a global shopping phenomenon. Dive into the fascinating history now!"

Unraveling the Mystery Behind the Shopping Extravaganza

Black Friday, originally a term associated with financial crises, took a positive turn in the mid-20th century 

Historical   Root

Historical   Root

The term "Black Friday" initially referred to a financial crisis in the United States in the 1800s 

"It gained a new meaning in the 1960s in Philadelphia" 

"when it was used to describe the chaos of shoppers and tourists flooding the city the day after Thanksgiving" 

Thanksgiving Tradition

Thanksgiving Tradition

following Thanksgiving, which is always the fourth Thursday of November in the U.S. It marks the unofficial start of the holiday shopping season

Retail Strategy-

Retailers embraced the term and turned it into a positive, marking the day when their sales moved from the red (loss) to the black (profit)

Festive Shopping-

Over the years, Black Friday has become a cultural phenomenon, not just in the U.S. but around the world

It's a day when people kick off their holiday shopping, taking advantage of the incredible deals offered by retailers 

So, Black Friday is not just a day for shopping; it's a blend of history, tradition, and a festive kickoff to the holiday season. Happy shopping!